Forsaken Art
Forsaken Art embarked on its musical odyssey in Lisbon, Portugal, in the early 2000s, initially as a black metal one-man project led by Carlos Rosão. The music, raw and intense, carved out its own niche with the release of the first demo, "The Awakening of a New Era," in 2003, subsequently plunging into the depths of the uncharted.
Nearly two decades later, an encounter between Carlos and Nuno Silva Pereira (of Reverent Tales) marked a transformative chapter for Forsaken Art. Together, they steered the project's sound away from the abrasive edges of black metal towards the evocative expanse of dark ambient music. Forsaken Art now traverses the shadowed alleys of human experience, weaving a haunting mosaic of auditory, visual, and conceptual artistry that urges listeners to confront their deepest fears. This endeavor has become a refuge for delving into seldom-spoken themes: the solitude of the soul, existential unease, and the peculiar allure of decay. Each creation acts as a gateway into the soul's abandoned chambers, fostering a profound, introspective dialogue with our darkest facets.
Through a delicate fusion of macabre elegance and ethereal soundscapes, enriched by the art of spoken word, Forsaken Art shatters conventional confines, guiding audiences on a purgative exploration of what has been left behind: the forgotten, the lost, and the hauntingly beautiful.
This conceptual album explores the descent into isolation and madness, tracing the journey of a solitary figure trapped in a decaying Victorian apartment.
The album begins with an eerie sense of comfort but soon descends into dissonance as the protagonist’s surroundings distort, and the relentless ticking of a clock amplifies their growing paranoia.
As shadows twist into grotesque forms and reality blurs into nightmare, the protagonist’s desperation culminates in a leap from the window to escape the suffocating madness.
The final tracks reveal the true horror awaiting outside, suggesting that the internal torment was only a prelude to an inevitable apocalypse.